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- program unBINSCII;
- var firstTime, match: Boolean;
- size, last, limit, i, j, k: integer;
- fileSize, chunkSize, lines: long;
- fileName: string[32];
- xlate: string[64];
- line: string[132];
- values: array[0..63] of byte;
- out: array[0..47] of byte;
- a: text;
- b: file of byte;
- procedure Convert4x6to3x8(iX, oX: integer);
- var i, j: integer;
- temp: long;
- bytes: array[0..3] of byte;
- begin
- for i := 0 to 3
- do begin
- j := 0;
- repeat
- j := j + 1;
- match := line[iX + i + 1] = xlate[j]
- until match or (j = 64);
- if match
- then bytes[i] := j - 1
- else bytes[i] := 255
- end;
- temp := (long(bytes[3]) and $3F) shl 18
- + (bytes[2] and $3F) shl 12
- + (bytes[1] and $3F) shl 6
- + bytes[0] and $3F;
- out[oX] := temp shr 16;
- out[oX + 1] := (temp shr 8) and $FF;
- out[oX + 2] := temp and $FF
- end;
- function reverse3: long;
- begin
- reverse3 := out[2] * 65536 + out[1] * 256 + out[0]
- end;
- begin
- firstTime := true;
- if ParamCount <> 1
- then begin
- writeln('Usage: unBINSCII pathname');
- halt(20)
- end
- else fileName := ParamStr(1);
- assign(a, fileName);
- reset(a);
- repeat
- repeat
- readln(a, line)
- until (line = 'FiLeStArTfIlEsTaRt') or eof(a);
- if eof(a)
- then begin
- writeln('Unexpected EOF!');
- close(a);
- close(b);
- halt(20)
- end;
- readln(a, line);
- if length(line) <> 64
- then begin
- writeln('Translate table error!');
- close(a);
- close(b);
- halt(20)
- end
- else xlate := line;
- readln(a, line);
- if length(line) <> 52
- then begin
- writeln('File attributes error');
- close(a);
- close(b);
- halt(20)
- end;
- if firstTime
- then begin
- size := ord(line[1]) - 64;
- fileName := copy(line, 2, size);
- writeln('The output file will be named ''', fileName, '''');
- assign(b, fileName);
- rewrite(b);
- Convert4x6to3x8(16, 0);
- fileSize := reverse3;
- writeln('File size = ',fileSize)
- firstTime := false
- end;
- Convert4x6to3x8(44, 0);
- chunkSize := reverse3;
- writeln(' Chunk size = ', chunkSize);
- lines := chunkSize div 48;
- last := chunkSize mod 48;
- if last <> 0
- then lines := lines + 1;
- limit := 47;
- for i := 1 to lines
- do begin
- readln(a, line);
- if length(line) <> 64
- then begin
- writeln('Data line error!');
- close(a);
- close(b);
- halt(20)
- end;
- k := 0;
- for j := 0 to 15
- do begin
- Convert4x6to3x8(j * 4, k);
- k := k + 3
- end;
- if (i = lines) and (last <> 0)
- then limit := last - 1;
- for j := 0 to limit
- do write(b, out[j])
- end;
- readln(a, line)
- if length(line) <> 4
- then begin
- writeln('Wrong size chunk trailer!');
- close(a);
- close(b);
- halt(20)
- end
- until eof(a);
- close(b);
- close(a)
- end.